Iran Ahwaz Fair
7 мая 2021 г.

We, as Interra, exhibit our products in the international arena and we enable them to reach wide audiences. In order to do this, we participated in the Iran Ahwaz Fair to inform our products in a professional manner. We were able to take part in the most preferred group by taking place in the foreground with our service content at the fair where the participant was high. Imini touch panels, DND / MUR module was introduced. Presentations were also made about the latest developments in smart home systems. In addition, a general information about the future stages of smart home technology was included.

Introduction of Smart Home Systems

Within the scope of Iran Ahwaz Fair, the participants were helped to find answers to all the questions they were curious about. A professional presentation was made by introducing all the systems we developed. In addition, positive results were obtained by giving trainings on how to use Tocuh Panel effectively. With its successful efforts and participation in this field, Interra also helps the sector to grow. This helps to achieve the best results by helping the sector grow. Having succeeded to be one of the most remarkable names of the fair, Interra hosted an intense participant in its booth.

Trainings Given

Some trainings were also included in the fair. Presentations were also given on how to use smart home systems and how to create better efficiency. In particular, the training of ISwitch Combo and Touch Panel and SIP products was successfully completed. A detailed description of the expert staff products in the field of how to get the best efficiency was studied.
